Dec 31st 2024 2 pm

Sanitary Sewer Overflow

A Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) occurred on December 29, 2024, at Wildflower Lane due to a 16-inch cast iron sewer force main break. The overflow was estimated at 48,000 gallons, of which 4,500 were recovered and transported to an ECUA water reclamation facility for proper treatment and disposal. ECUA crews diverted an additional 250,900 gallons from the overflow point to nearby lift stations via vacuum trucks and septage haulers, preventing further spillage. Bacteriological sampling has been initiated.

ECUA crews responded promptly and repaired the main in approximately four hours, then cleaned the overflow area with a biocide agent that abated any contamination concerns, per State protocol. In accordance with standard operating procedure, the ECUA notified the State Warning Point, the Escambia County Health Department, and the FDEP.

The ECUA has already replaced approximately 1,650 linear feet of this section of the collection system with a 16-inch PVC force main. There remains approximately 6,850 linear feet of 16-inch cast iron force main that must be replaced and ECUA’s Regional Services Department has initiated a project to move this forward as quickly as possible. Phase One, a $2 million investment in equipment, labor, and materials, is currently under construction and consists of the force main replacement along Old Spanish Trail Road from Olive Road to Graveyard Branch. The anticipated construction time is 180 days.

The survey for the next phase of the force main replacement is already underway. This phase will eliminate the remainder of this cast iron force main south of Graveyard Branch to a gravity connection point at Spanish Trail and Woodchuck Avenue. ECUA will proceed with the design of the project once the survey is completed and will proceed with the procurement of materials and construction services for the next phase as soon as the design of the construction plans has been completed.

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(850) 476-0480Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm
(850) 476-5110Emergency After Hours
or by writing to the ECUA at9255 Sturdevant Street Pensacola, FL 32514