Dec 26th 2024 6 pm

Sanitary Sewer Overflow

A Sanitary Sewer Overflow -SSO- occurred on December 25, 2024, at Old Spanish Trail Rd., just north of Tradewinds Dr., due to a 16-inch sewer force main break. The overflow was estimated at 84,000 gallons, of which 3,600 were recovered and transported to an ECUA water reclamation facility for proper treatment and disposal. ECUA crews diverted an additional 96,300 gallons from the overflow point to nearby lift stations via vacuum trucks and septage haulers, preventing further spillage. Bacteriological sampling has been initiated.

ECUA crews repaired the main and cleaned the overflow area with a biocide agent that abated any contamination concerns, per State protocol. In accordance with standard operating procedure, the ECUA notified the State Warning Point, the Escambia County Health Department, and the FDEP.

For more information, customers may contact ECUA Customer Service at (850) 476-0480 for assistance.

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(850) 476-0480Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm
(850) 476-5110Emergency After Hours
or by writing to the ECUA at9255 Sturdevant Street Pensacola, FL 32514