A Sanitary Sewer Overflow -SSO- occurred on February 27 at 4585-1/2 Baybrook Dr. due to a broken Air Release Valve (ARV). The overflow was estimated at 211,000 gallons, of which 79,000 gallons were recovered by vacuum trucks and transported to an ECUA water reclamation facility for proper treatment and disposal. Bacteriological sampling has been initiated.
ECUA crews repaired the valve and cleaned the overflow area with a biocide agent that abated any contamination concerns, per State protocol. In accordance with standard operating procedure, the ECUA notified the State Warning Point, the County Health Department and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Results of bacteriological sampling conducted on February 28 and 29 have returned as clear.
For more information, customers may contact ECUA Customer Service at (850) 476-0480 for assistance.